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Professional Investor - Netherlands

Infrastructure opportunities

From three simultaneous mega-trends

Three global mega-trends are driving global structural change and we believe they offer exciting opportunities for infrastructure investors. Digitalisation, Decarbonisation and Deglobalisation.  Within Digitalisation  we embrace the obvious potential for AI, within Decarbonisation we focus on the energy transition, specifically energy security.  Within the newer and ever-increasing trend of Deglobalisation the opportunity to provide essential emerging market infrastructure for 6 billion people remains an attractive opportunity, in our view.    

By investing in carefully selected listed companies that we believe have the potential to take advantage of these trends we aim to capture value for investors.

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Key themes to note

In our forward looking report we consider the impact of tariffs, inflation and global policy shifts on infrastructure as an asset class. We also deep-dive into some new opportunities created by the mega-trends such as energy security and digitalisation.

Download the report

Macro Neutral - Asset Specific

Our Alpha is driven by bottom up stock selection

This is achieved by constructing our portfolio with same regional and currency weights as our benchmark. This mitigates regional and currency risks.

Generate better insights through data

Identify opportunities more quickly and make better-informed decisions. It also helps us identify risks, such as physical asset risks, that companies might be exposed to.

Use ESG for Alpha and to mitigate Asset-Risk

Key focus areas are understanding a firm’s transition towards sustainability trajectory and its physical asset risks. All quantified with data and a strictly forward-looking approach.


Physical Risk

In this video, Jags explains what the environment, particularly climate change, actually does to a company and why this is important for infrastructure investors.


A.I. meets Infrastructure

The AI revolution is driving an explosive demand for data storage and processing power, transforming data centers into a booming business. The surge in AI workloads and deployment capacity significantly increases electricity needs, creating power availability constraints but also opening up opportunities for companies in the utilities, midstream and even nuclear energy which can support additional electricity generation. As the infrastructure underpinning our digital world is rapidly evolving, this propels sustainable innovation and growth with numerous investment opportunities in the infrastructure space on the horizon.

Download the report
We've developed a proprietary framework, based on our 2022 Carbon Shock Analysis, to identify companies that will benefit from the energy transition.

Download the whitepaper
Our framework for selecting resilient and risk-adjusted investments over the long term. Learn why the social component is a material factor for assessing infrastructure risk.
Volatility, Tarrifs, Inflation and Nuclear Power, read our forward-looking report into the challenges and opportunity facing infrastructure investors in the coming year.

Explore our investment approach & funds

Learn about our infrastructure investment philosophy on our strategy page, or explore our fund library for insights into our Infrastructure fund.

Want to know more?

We regularly host bespoke events and webinars, often for individual client groups. If you would like to be invited to such events, please provide your details through the link below.

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Van Lanschot Kempen Investment Management NV (VLK Investment Management) is licensed as a manager of various UCITS and AIFs and authorised to provide investment services and as such is subject to supervision by the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets. This video is for information purposes only and provides insufficient information for an investment decision. This video does not contain investment advice, no investment recommendation, no research, or an invitation to buy or sell any financial instruments, and should not be interpreted as such. The opinions expressed in this video are our opinions and views as of such date only. These may be subject to change at any given time, without prior notice.

Listed Infrastructure: general risks to take into account when investing in Listed Infrastructure strategies

Please note that all investments are subject to market fluctuations. Investing in a Listed Infrastructure strategy may be subject to country risk and equity market risks and risks specific to the infrastructure market, which could negatively affect performance. Under unusual market conditions the specific risks can increase significantly. Historic data for similar investment vehicles indicates that the strategy can carry an aggressive level of risk. Potential Investors should be aware that changes in the actual and perceived fundamentals of a company may result in changes for the market value of the shares of such company. The strategy is allowed to invest in financial derivatives and (short-term) money market instruments. Currency exposures may be hedged. The value of your investment may fluctuate, past performance is no guarantee for the future. Do not take unnecessary risks. Before you invest, it is important that you are aware of and are informed about the characteristics and risks of investing. This information can be found in the available documents of the strategy and/or in the agreements that are part of the service you choose or have chosen.

Profile of the typical investor in Listed Infrastructure strategies:

The strategy may be suitable as a core or supplemental investment for those:

  • interested in a convenient way of gaining exposure to global listed infrastructure companies (international equity markets);
  • seeking long-term growth of their investment (5 years or longer);
  • who can bear the possibility of significant losses, especially in the short term; and
  • who have experience with the risks and rewards of equity investing.

Es gibt einen Spruch auf Niederländisch, Kom verder, das viele Dinge bedeutet und unsere Geschäftsphilosophie darstellt. Er erfasst die Art und Weise, wie wir mit unseren Kunden arbeiten, aber auch wie wir unsere Beteiligungsunternehmen lenken, um Aktionärswert durch aktive Beteiligung zu schaffen.

Risikokapital. Der Wert von Anlagen und die daraus erzielten Erträge können sowohl steigen als auch fallen. Die Anleger erhalten möglicherweise nicht den ursprünglich investierten Betrag zurück. Die in der Vergangenheit erzielte Performance ist keine Garantie für die Zukunft.