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Professional Investor - Netherlands
Market Mussings

Navigating Market Extremes: The ever so important role of diversification

Equity markets have reached extreme levels of market concentration. This is largely the result of a few mega-cap companies with stellar stock performance. When markets are concentrated, active managers tend to struggle. But it is especially important in these types of markets to continue to seek diversification strategies. Not losing sight of the less dominant sectors, regions, and lower market capitalizations, has proven to pay off in the long run.

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Titelseite von Market Musings 9/24: Navigating Market Extremes, die immer so wichtige Rolle der Diversifikation.
Read more about our High Dividend strategy

The authors

Joris Franssen Van Lanschot Kempen

Joris Franssen

Portfolio Manager - Dividend - NL
Reineke Davidsz Van Lanschot Kempen

Reineke Davidsz

Portfolio Manager - Dividend - NL
General risks to take into account when investing in Dividend equity strategies
Please note that all investments are subject to market fluctuations. Investing in a Dividend Equity strategy may be subject to country risk and equity market risks, which could negatively affect the performance. Under unusual market conditions the specific risks can increase significantly. Potential Investors should be aware that changes in the actual and perceived
fundamentals of a company may result in changes for the market value of the shares of such company

Van Lanschot Kempen Investment Management NV (VLK Investment Management) is licensed as a manager of various UCITS and AIFs and authorised to provide investment services and as such is subject to supervision by the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets. This document is for information purposes only and provides insufficient information for an investment decision. No part of this document may be used without prior permission from VLK Investment Management. This document does not contain investment advice, no investment recommendation, no research, or an invitation to buy or sell any financial instruments, and should not be interpreted as such. The opinions expressed in this document are our opinions and views as of such date only. These may be subject to change at any given time, without prior notice.

Es gibt einen Spruch auf Niederländisch, Kom verder, das viele Dinge bedeutet und unsere Geschäftsphilosophie darstellt. Er erfasst die Art und Weise, wie wir mit unseren Kunden arbeiten, aber auch wie wir unsere Beteiligungsunternehmen lenken, um Aktionärswert durch aktive Beteiligung zu schaffen.

Risikokapital. Der Wert von Anlagen und die daraus erzielten Erträge können sowohl steigen als auch fallen. Die Anleger erhalten möglicherweise nicht den ursprünglich investierten Betrag zurück. Die in der Vergangenheit erzielte Performance ist keine Garantie für die Zukunft.