Compliance documents and mandatory information
Compliance documents
- IM Class Action Policy
- IM Order Execution Policy
- IM Statement of Conflicts of Interest
- Trade Execution Reporting 2018 rts-28
- Trade Execution Reporting 2019 rts-28
- Trade Execution Reporting 2020 rts-28 Summary of Analysis
- Trade Execution Reporting 2020 rts-28 Top 5 Report
- Trade Execution Reporting 2020 rts-28 top 5 report XLS format
- Trade Execution Reporting 2021 rts-28 Summary of Analysis
- Trade Execution Reporting 2021 rts-28 Top 5 Report
- Trade Execution Reporting 2021 rts-28 Top 5 Report XLS format
- Trade Execution Reporting 2020 - art 65 mifid ii delegated regulation - kcm uk
- Trade Execution Reporting 2022 RTS 28 summary of analysis
- Trade Execution Reporting 2022 RTS Top 5 report
- Trade Execution Reporting 2022 RTS28 Top 5 report XLS format
- SFDR entity level disclosure 2023
- media library
- Files
Van Lanschot Kempen Investment Management’s annual reports (formerly named Kempen Capital Management)
Van Lanschot Kempen Investment Management’s semi-annual report (formerly named Kempen Capital Management)
Supervision VLK IM
Supervision of Van Lanschot Kempen Investment Management N.V.
- Van Lanschot Kempen Investment Management - registration document
- Kempen Capital Management - License under article 2-65 of the WFT
- VLK IM articles of association NL
- VLK IM articles of association EN
- Extract Chamber of Commerce Van Lanschot Kempen Investment Management
- Registration of UK establishment KCM
- Registration of FR establishment KCM
- Conformation of legal name change into Van Lanschot Kempen Investment Management NV
- By Laws Management Board VLK IM
- Profile Management Board VLK IM
Kempen Administratiekantoren Statuten
- Administratiekantoor Beleggingsfonds De Zonnewijser B.V.
- Administratiekantoor Zonnewijser Participatiefondsen B.V.
- Administratiekantoor Kempen Oranje Participaties Primo B.V.
- Administratiekantoor Kempen Oranje Participaties B.V.
- Administratiekantoor Kempen Rivieren Participatiefondsen B.V.
- Juridisch Eigenaar Bestselect B.V.
- Stichting Kempen SDG Farmland Fund