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Governance & stakeholders

Holding ourselves accountable

  • Stakeholder events
  • Material topics
  • Sponsorships
  • Memberships

Our governance structure

To help us achieve our sustainability ambitions, we have a clear governance structure consisting of a Sustainability Board and a number of committees. Our group-wide Corporate Sustainability Team plays a driving and coordinating role in making sure sustainability remains a priority throughout the entire company.

    In detail:

    • Stakeholder engagement policy
    • How we organise sustainability within Van Lanschot Kempen
    Zuidas Amsterdam George Gershwinplein

    Engaging with stakeholders

    We have an ongoing dialogue with our stakeholders, including at our annual stakeholder event, client meetings, surveys, shareholder discussions, auditors’ meetings and regulatory engagements. This dialogue enables us to understand and address stakeholders’ interests and expectations. Our commitment to engage with stakeholders is integrated into our strategy and the Banker’s Oath, signed by all employees since 2015.

    Read more about our stakeholder events

    Material topics

    Every two years, we carry out an extensive survey to identify the topics that are most material to our stakeholders, presenting the results in a materiality matrix. To embed sustainability practices and measure progress, we have established Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the ten most material topics, out of 20 in total.

    Read more about our materiality matrix
    Materiality matrix


    We believe that wealth is about more than money. In support of our purpose, we contribute to the arts, sports and the sustainable transitions we focus on.

    Read more about our sponsorships


    Van Lanschot Kempen maintains contact with regulators, including De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) and the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM), and with rating agencies. We also hold memberships of trade associations, such as the Dutch Fund and Asset Management Association (DUFAS), representing the general interests of financial institutions and asset managers. We have no lobbying offices or representatives in The Hague or Brussels. We do not provide donations to support political parties or campaigns.  

    Van Lanschot Kempen is a member of:


    • Climate Action 100+
    • Coalitie Anders Reizen
    • DNB Platform voor Duurzame Financiering
    • Dutch Fund and Asset Management Association (DUFAS)
    • Eumedion – Dutch Corporate Governance Forum
    • FAIRR Initiative
    • Global Impact Investor Network (GIIN)
    • Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB)
    • Instititional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC)
    • Nature Action 100
    • Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative
    • Platform for Biodiversity Accounting Financials (PBAF)
    • Platform Living Wage Financials
    • PRI Advance
    • Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)
    • UN Global Compact
    • Vereniging Effecten Uitgevende Ondernemingen
    • Women Inc Incubator
    • Workplace Pride 

    Fully focused on your future

    Private Banking
    • Offices
    • Entrepreneurs
    • Healthcare
    • Executives
    • Business professionals
    • Wealth management
    • Conditions
    • Private Banking - Belgium
    • Private Banking - Switzerland

    Professional Solutions
    Investment Management
    Investment Banking

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