Management structure

On this page we provide information on the management structure of Van Lanschot Kempen NV.

    Management Board

    Van Lanschot Kempen NV's Management Board consists of Maarten Edixhoven (Chair), Jeroen Kroes (CFO), Damla Hendriks (CRO), Arjan Huisman (COO) and Wendy Winkelhuijzen and Erik van Houwelingen (members).

    Meet our Management Board

    Supervisory Board

    The members of the Supervisory Board of Van Lanschot Kempen NV are appointed by the General Meeting. The Supervisory Board has appointed four committees from among its members: Audit, Risk & Compliance, Selection & Nomination and Remuneration. You can find detailed information in the documents below.

    Meet our Supervisory Board

    Advisory Board

    The Management Board forms an Advisory Board. This Advisory Board is an informal body that advises the Management Board, upon request and non-binding. We bring together people with societal experience and involvement in various sectors to exchange views on geopolitical, social, technological, cultural, sectoral and other topics that may be relevant to our company and strategy.
    The current members of the Advisory Board are: Jeroen van der Veer, Federico Ghizzoni, Gregory Hodkinson, Axel Rüger, Jos Streppel, Koos Timmermans and Louise Fresco.