General meetings
Every year, we hold an annual general meeting (AGM) and in some cases, we hold extraordinary general meetings (EGMs) as well. You can download the agendas, minutes and more for every meeting held over the past years below.
Extraordinary general meeting
21 October 2024
Previous meetings
General Meeting 23 May 2024
- Confirmed minutes AGM 23 May 2024
- Voting results AGM 23 May 2024
- Presentation AGM 23 May 2024
- Convocation and agenda with explanatory notes
- Appendix 1- Formal opinion Works Council
- Appendix 2 - Remuneration policy Management Board
- Appendix 3 - Remuneration policy Supervisory Board
- Appendix 4 – Profile member of Management Board
- Appendix 5 - CV Damla Hendriks
- Appendix 6 - Main elements of agreement with Damla Hendriks
- Appendix 7 - Profile member Supervisory Board
- Appendix 8 - CV Karin Bergstein
- Appendix 9 - Annual report and financial statements 2023 Mercier Vanderlinden Asset Management NV
- Appendix 10 - Report PwC on financial statements 2023 Mercier Vanderlinden Asset Management NV
- Voting instruction form
- Notification number of shares in issue on day of convening
- Notification number of shares in issue on registration date
EGM 5 October 2023:
- Minutes EGM 5 October 2023
- Voting results EGM 5 October 2023
- Convocation and agenda with explanatory notes
- Appendix 1 - Draft deed of amendment of the AoA and triptych part 1
- Appendix 2 - Draft deed of amendment of the AoA and triptych part 2
- Voting instruction form
- Notification number of shares in issue on day of convening
- Notification number of shares in issue on registration date
- Advert Het Financieele Dagblad 11 October 2023 - in Dutch only
AGM 25 May 2023
- Confirmed minutes AGM 25 May 2023
- Presentation AGM 25 May 2023
- Voting results AGM 25 May 2023
- Convocation and agenda with explanatory notes
- Appendix 1 - Profile Supervisory Board member
- Appendix 2 - Profile Supervisory Board member
- Appendix 3 - cv Frans Blom
- Appendix 4 - cv Elizabeth Nolan
- Voting instruction form
- Notification number of shares in issue on day of convening
- Notification number of shares in issue on registration date
AGM 25 May 2022
- Confirmed minutes AGM 25 May 2022
- Presentation AGM 25 May 2022
- Voting results AGM 25 May 2022
- Convocation and agenda with explanatory notes
- Appendix 1 - Climate strategy and action plan
- Appendix 2 Profile for member of the Manaement Board CRO
- Appendix 3 - CV Wendy Winkelhuijzen
- Appendix 4 Profile for member of the Management Board CFO
- Appendix 5 - CV Jeroen Kroes
- Appendix 6 - Main elements of the agreements
- Appendix 7 - Profile for member of the Supervisory Board
- Appendix 8 - CV Maarten Muller
- Voting instruction form
- Notification number of shares in issue on day of convening
- Notification number of shares in issue on registration date
EGM 6 October 2022
- Confirmed minutes EGM 6 October 2022
- Voting results EGM 6 October 2022
- Convocation and agenda with explanatory notes
- Draft deed of amendment of the AoA and triptych part 1 - Appendix 1
- Draft deed of amendment of the AoA and triptych part 2 - Appendix 2
- Voting instruction form
- Notification number of shares in issue on day of convening
- Notification number of shares in issue on registration date
- Advert Het Financieele Dagblad 12 October 2022 - in Dutch only
AGM 27 May 2021
- Confirmed minutes AGM 27 May 2021
- Presentation AGM 27 May 2021
- Voting results AGM 27 May 2021
- 1 Convocation and agenda with explanatory notes
- 2 Merger Addendum Appendix 1
- 3 Merger Proposal part 1 Annex B of the Merger Addendum in Dutch and English
- 4 Explanation to Merger Proposal part 2 Annex B of the Merger Addendum in Dutch and English
- 5 Triptych amendments of articles Annex C of Merger Addendum
- 6 Profile of Statutory member Appendix 2
- 7 CV Erik van Houwelingen Appendix 3
- 8 Profile for Supervisory member Appendix 4
- 9 Profile for Supervisory member Appendix 5
- 10 Profile for Supervisory member Appendix 6
- 11 CV Manfred Schepers Appendix 7
- 12 CV Lex van Overmeire Appendix 8
- 13 Virtual General Meeting Policy Van Lanschot Kempen NV
- 14 Manual for attending the virtual general meeting
- 15 Voting instruction form
- 16 Notification number of shares in issue on day of convening
- 17 Notification number of shares in issue on registration date
EGM 22 September 2021
- Confirmed minutes EGM 22 September 2021
- Voting results EGM 22 September 2021
- 1 Convocation and agenda with explanatory notes
- 2 Profile for Management Board member Appendix 1
- 3 CV Maarten Edixhoven Appendix 2
- 4 Main element of the agreement with Maarten Edixhoven Appendix 3
- 5 Profile for Supervisory Board member Appendix 4
- 6 CV Brigitte Boone Bijlage 5
- 7 Voting instruction form
- 8 Notification number of shares in issue on day of convening
AGM 28 May 2020
- Confirmed minutes - AGM 28 May 2020
- Presentation - AGM 28 May 2020
- Voting results - AGM 28 May 2020
- Convocation and agenda with explanatory notes - AGM 28 May 2020
- Proposed amendments to the Articles of Association - Appendix 1 - AGM 28 May 2020
- Formal opinion Works Council - Appendix 2 - AGM 28 May 2020
- Remuneration Policy Statutory Board - Appendix 3 - AGM 28 May 2020
- Remuneration Policy Supervisory Board - Appendix 4 - 28 May 2020
- Individual profile for the vacancy Supervisory Board - Appendix 5 - 28 May 2020
- CV Karin Bergstein - Appendix 6 - 28 May 2020
- Voting instruction form
- Notification number of shares in issue on day of convening - AGM 28 May 2020
- Notification number of shares in issue on registration date - AGM 28 May 2020
AGM 31 May 2018
- Confirmed minutes AGM 31 May 2018 - in Dutch only
- Voting results
- Presentation
- Agenda with notes 31 May 2018
- Voting instruction form
- Notification number of shares in issue on day of convening
- Notification number of shares in issue on registration date
- Statement of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board - Remuneration of the Statutory Board