
Research shows that 75% of the land-based environment and 66% of the marine environment have been significantly altered by human actions.* The global population of wild animal species has fallen by 69% over the last 50 years and more than one million plant and animal species are currently at risk of extinction.** Biodiversity is impacted by our economic activities, but at the same time these activities are dependent on these very ecosystems for their functioning.

    Our role

    In our investment process, we focus on biodiversity by carefully choosing what we invest in. We do not invest in companies whose behavior has serious negative impacts on biodiversity (“exclusion”) and include environmental, social and governance factors in our investment decisions (“ESG integration”). In addition, we use our influence as a shareholder to engage and vote at shareholder meetings (“active shareholdership”) and invest in projects that actively contribute to biodiversity conservation and restoration (“positive impact”). We believe an approach using these four tools is essential to effectively integrate biodiversity into our portfolios.

    The food transition in our own operations

    In our office restaurants, we prioritise local and seasonal ingredients and avoid food waste wherever possible. Our restaurants increasingly provide vegetarian and vegan alternatives.

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    Our biodiversity policy

    We work with clients to prevent negative impacts, such as biodiversity loss, and to promote positive impacts, such as the protection of endangered species and ecosystem restoration.

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    Bee flower photo Scotty Turner

    Putting life back into the soil

    Through our Kempen SDG Farmland Fund, we want to make a positive contribution to the future of farmers, nature, climate and the food transition.

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    Richard Jacobs

    Voting rights as a shareholder

    We use our voting rights to express our opinions on food transition issues – for example, shareholder proposals relating to deforestation or plastic waste. We assess shareholder proposals on a case-by-case basis and support meaningful proposals.

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    Farmland luchtfoto

    Finance for Biodiversity Pledge

    In November 2021, we signed the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge, committing to protect and restore biodiversity through our financial activities and investments.

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    Van Lanschot Kempen signs Finance for biodiversity pledge
