Equity Sales Van Lanschot Kempen


Generating superior returns across our core sectors


Professional investors from mutual fund managers, hedge funds and pension funds to insurance companies all rely on Van Lanschot Kempen for trading cash equities. Our sales team uses their expertise to find and execute investment ideas across our focus sectors, which allows them to generate superior returns.

High-quality research deserves proper sales attention. That’s why we employ a specialised and experienced sales team with a local presence in Amsterdam and New York, covering our core focus sectors.

    Bringing investors and corporates together

    We believe that the connection between investors and corporates is vital, which is why we’ve been bringing them together for many years. Our corporate access events range from sector-focused conferences and roadshows to industry-expert events to conference calls and bespoke visits. And of course, we host the annual industry-leading seminars for European real estate and life sciences & healthcare.

    Our sales team is active in several sectors:

    European real estate

    Discover our specialist expertise


    By closely following the market while using the latest technologies, our trading team achieves our clients’ objectives.

    Curious to know more?

    Vincent Willink Van Lanschot Kempen

    Vincent Willink

    Managing Director

    Bart Lips Van Lanschot Kempen

    Bart Lips

    Head of Equity Sales