
On this page you'll find the Code of Conduct and other compliance policies of Van Lanschot Kempen NV.

    Code of conduct

    Van Lanschot Kempen NV and its subsidiaries fulfill a service-providing role in society. We can only perform this task properly if each party with whom we are dealing can put its trust in us. The actions of our employees form the basis for the trust that is placed in them. You can read more about this subject in the code of conduct.


    • Code of conduct Van Lanschot Kempen

    Conflicts of interest

    Managing conflicts of interest is an essential part of ensuring and enhancing the integrity and reputation of Van Lanschot Kempen NV.


    • Summary Conflict of Interest Policy

    Reporting irregularities

    An irregularity can have multiple causes and consequences. Depending on the nature of the issue, it can be reported accordingly.


    Is it a complaint?

    Customers and third parties can report complaints of a general, operational, or financial nature through the complaints procedure of Private Banking, Evi, Investment Banking and Investment Management.

    Is it a matter with societal implications?

    If the issue pertains to society as a whole, it is a matter for a whistleblower. Whistleblowers report (suspicions of) violations of (internal) laws and regulations that:

    • have societal impact; or
    • constitute breaches or potential breaches of Union law.

     If you have such an issue, please report it to


    • Whistleblower policy

    Tax policies and tax principles

    Van Lanschot Kempen NV's tax policies aim to ensure that the bank complies with tax laws and rules, as well as internal guidelines and codes of conduct. We have drawn up comprehensive policies to prevent objectionable tax practices, which can be found below.


    • Tax policy
    • Tax principles
    • Statement Client Tax Integrity