Remuneration policies

We believe in rewarding long-term sustainable performance to help achieve our long-term strategy. This is reflected in our remuneration policy. Our policy aims to ensure a balanced, sustainable and competitive remuneration package.

    Since 2015, the remuneration of the members of the Management Board has consisted of fixed remuneration only (no variable remuneration) and includes a significant proportion in shares, with a five-year lock-up period, in combination with share ownership guidelines. This remuneration structure creates a strong focus on the sustainable long-term continuity of the company.

    The remuneration of the Supervisory Board members should reflect the responsibilities of the role (including time spent) and should promote adequate performance of the role. Their remuneration does not depend on the results of the company. The members of the Supervisory Board receive fixed remuneration only.


    Policies approved at general meeting
    On 23 May 2024 the annual general meeting approved the remuneration policies for the Management Board with a majority of 99.6% of the votes cast and the Supervisory Board with a majority of 99.9% of the votes cast. 


    Engagement dialogue
    In preparation for the 2024 annual general meeting, a delegation from the Supervisory Board’s Remuneration Committee consulted with a large cross-section of Van Lanschot Kempen’s shareholder base, proxy advisers, the Works Council and various client groups.

    During these meetings, explanations were given of the revised Shareholder Rights Directive, the Management and Supervisory Board remuneration policy, the Supervisory Board’s view on rewarding long-term value creation, and the Dutch context. The dialogue with stakeholders was very constructive. Gaining their views on executive pay in general, and our remuneration policy in particular, was very valuable.

    More information

    More information on remuneration at Van Lanschot Kempen is available in the Remuneration report and the documents below.

    • Remuneration Policy Management Board
    • Remuneration Policy Supervisory Board
    • 2024 remuneration report
    • Pillar 3 disclosures 2023